It is naturally also possible to burn the ISO image to CD or DVD, if that is preferred. Kaspersky Rescue Disk is a safe way to remove viruses from a computer without the risk of getting infected. Kaspersky's Rescue Disk can be used to disinfect systems that have been rendered unbootable by a virus and in scenarios where it is not possible to disinfect the virus while the operating system is running. It is usually necessary to enable booting from removable devices in the BIOS, so that the boot process picks up the USB rescue disk before the actual operating system(s) on the hard drive. It is important to test the USB rescue device at least once, to make sure that it will work in emergencies. The ISO file can be accessed at this page: Click the Download button to start downloading the file. A click on Start copies the relevant files from the ISO image to the USB drive.The device will be used to create the bootable rescue disk.Browse to the ISO image of the Kaspersky Rescue Disk in the program interface after startup, and select one of the connected USB devices.Kaspersky Lab specialists recommend using the latest version of Kaspersky Rescue Disk to restore your system. Kaspersky Lab products are always upgraded and renewed. It should be used when it is impossible to boot the operating system.
Install Kaspersky USB Rescue Disk Maker on the PC. Kaspersky Rescue Disk is designed to scan, disinfect, and restore infected operating systems.To create the bootable USB rescue disk do the following: Note that formatting will remove any data that is on the disk at that time. You can format any USB Flash Drive with a right-click and the selection of format from the context menu. The USB device needs to use the FAT16 or FAT32 file system and not NTFS.

A rescue disk is also useful if malware cannot be removed from a running system, for example, when it blocks the execution of antivirus software or damaged it even. The best alternative is ESET SysRescue Live, which is free. There are five alternatives to Kaspersky Rescue Disk for Windows and Linux. That's especially helpful in scenarios where a virus has damaged the operating system critically, so that it won't boot anymore on its own. Kaspersky Rescue Disk is described as free tool for disinfecting computers from malware which does not allow the operating system to start and is a Anti-Virus app in the security & privacy category.